Leave Application (LA)

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TLC Policy

LA Submission for Workers

LA Submission for Special Case


This form is used to book leave days.


Firstly, the user will create a new Leave Application. Then it will be changed to the Pending for Approval status.

After that, the Approver will review the LA. If it is correct, the approver will change it to the Approved status. Otherwise, the Approver will reject the document to the Requester.

In terms of the Approval Reject status, the Requester will amend the issue and submit it to the Approver again. That process will be looped until the timesheet is acceptable and changed to the Approved status.

No one can edit the read-only fields of the document after it is approved.

To get the Timesheet Office App after login, please see App Drawer.

View All

The View All page will show the documents which depend on your level in the company.

  • If you are a team member, you can just only see your own LA.
  • If you are a team leader or a manager, you can see the LAs of your team members and your own LA.
  • If you are delegated (e.g. HR Manager), you can see either your normal viewport or your delegated viewport by Screen Options > Admin viewport.
  • In case, you are a manager or higher level and your team has a lot of members in several levels, so please check into the OFF-all sub-staff box to view only direct staff.

For Advanced Filter, Item Table, Screen Options, please see View All.

Create New

To get the overall for creating a new document, please see Create New.

Identification – the requester information automatically got from the system.

Leave Details – input the leave reason and the fields of the leave days.

Handover – select the person who you will hand over and the handover working list

Approved By – the current user’s direct manager. It is set to default approver by the system approval tree. However, the user can change it if it is inappropriate. Moreover, the user can add to “follow up by” to notify anyone involved. By default, the delegated member will be notified.

Note – in the process of doing a leave day table, the user should pay attention to the following:

Remaining Leave Days – is read-only and lets the users know how many their remaining leave days are.

Leave Reason – Input the reason for leave application

Action Bar – the users can duplicate/delete/move the line.

Datetime – select the days to book leave

Workplace – is read-only and set default by the user

Payment Type – select the type of leave days (Paid by TLC, Social Insurance, or Unpaid)

Absence Type – select the type of absences (Annual Leave, Sick Leave, Unpaid Leave,…). This field is filtered by Payment Type.

Payment TypeAbsence TypeCertificate Document
Paid By Social InsuranceChildcare LeaveYes
Maternity LeaveYes
Sick LeaveYes
Paid By TLCAnnual Leave
Marriage LeaveYes
Compassionate LeaveYes
Compensatory Leave
UnpaidUnpaid Leave

Leave Type – select the type of leave (Full day, Half-day morning, or Half-day afternoon). This field is filtered by Workplace and Absence Type.

The number of Leave Day – is read-only and set default by Leave Type. The total number of leave days is shown in the final line of the table.

Add a New Item – add a new line for another day.

Link to the Timesheet Office

After your Leave Application is created. They will be linked to the Timesheet Office if you choose the week which includes the leave day.

Let’s view the Leave Application document in print view

You can view the document in print view by clicking on the QR code of the document on the View Table or the View button on the Action Bar of the Create New page.

View Register

This page shows the members who have booked the LAs. It helps the HR staff check the process of leave status of every member.

The HR members can select a workplace and a date range to filter the expected result. The result which includes all of the leave days information is shown in the below table.

The HR members also can export CSV files for handling other reports.

TLC Policy

Leave Rules:

  • Leave 0.5 – 1 day, submit within 24 hours
  • Leave 1.5 – 2 days, submit 1 day in advance
  • Leave 2.5 – 3.5 days, submit 5 days in advance
  • Leave from 4 days and above, submit 10 days in advance

LA Submission for Workers

To submit a leave application for a worker, an HR admin or Manager Assistant can log in by the worker’s account on TLC App.

  • Worker’s Username – ws + Staff ID + Staff last name (eg: ws1111_trung, ws888_phat)
  • Worker’s Password – contact your system admin: thucvo@tlcmodular.com

After that, you just follow the steps as you create a LA for yourself.

LA Submission for Special Cases

Sometimes, there are some urgent or unexpected reasons that users have to book a late leave application. In that case, the users have to notify the HR team in order to be supported to implement their leave application.

To book the leave application in this situation, please follow these below steps:

  • Requester creates a leave application, choose leave day as the current day or anyday in the future, then save it (DO NOT Submit for approval).
  • Notify the HR team members to bypass your leave application.
  • After bypassed by HR, Requester has to refresh the page.
  • Change the selected leave days into your actual leave days, then submit it.
  • In case the leave application has more than 1 day, you should raise 1 day for bypassing (as long as it let you to save and not violating the policy), and then after bypass you can input the rest.