Navigation Basics

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Welcome to the TLC Modular App! As with all software products, it is important to know the basics of how to navigate around the system as well as learn some of the new terms.

Login Address

The login address is

If you want to experience the App without modifying the real data nor sending notifying emails, please use the beta version:

Chrome is recommended as the main browser. If you are using a different browser and experiencing any difficulties, please use Chrome.

URL – To access the TLC Modular App.

Email Address – You can enter your TLC email address.

Password – Your password is your TLC email’s password.

Remember me – Check the box to remember your login info for the next sign-in.

Sign in button – Click to log in to the TLC Modular App.

Main Dashboard Objects

Home Button – Click on the TLC Modular logo at the top of any page in TLC Modular App, to be taken back to this page, your main dashboard.

App Drawer Menu – Toggles your left menu open or closed when you click on them.

All Projects Menu – shown here and at Summary Chart of each app in order to select a project in a dropdown list.

User Profile – Manage your information:

  • Me – View your information and update your avatar
  • Log out – sign out of the App
  • Backend Admin – Update the master data (depend on your role in the App)

Left Navigation – Click on the anchors to move to the part you have chosen.

My View – Show the posts related to you (except the posts in the closed status).

Post Link – You can edit or view the posts by clicking on the post IDs or QR Codes

Pagination – You can change the number of posts that will be shown per page.

Summary Charts – Show the charts that the user has pinned from the Summary Part of forms.

Show/Hide Left Side Bar – Click on the arrow button to show or hide the Left Side Bar.