Timesheet Officer (TSO)

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The Timesheet Officer is for users who book a timesheet by themselves.

This form is used for payroll and allocating the working hours to the actual project cost.


The Timesheet Officer Workflow is described in the below diagram.

Firstly, the user will create a new Timesheet. Then it will be changed to the Pending for Approval status.

After that, the Approver will review the timesheet. If it is correct, the approver will change it to the Approved status. Otherwise, the Approver will reject the document to the Requester.

In terms of the Reject status, the Requester will amend the issue and submit it to the Approver again. That process will be looped until the timesheet is acceptable and changed to the Approved status.

No one can edit the fields of the document after it is approved.

To get the Timesheet Officer App after login, please see App Drawer.

View All

The View All page will show the documents which depend on your level in the company.

  • If you are a team member, you can just only see your own timesheet.
  • If you are a team leader or a manager, you can see the timesheet of your team members and your own timesheet.
  • If you are delegated (e.g. HR Manager), you can see either your normal viewport or your delegated viewport by Screen Options > Admin viewport.
  • In case, you are a manager or higher level and your team has a lot of members in several levels, so please check into the OFF-all sub-staff box to view only direct staff.

For Advanced Filter, Item Table, Screen Options, please see View All.

Create New

To get the overall for creating a new document, please see Create New.

Identification – the requester information automatically got from the system.

Weeks: Select the week of the timesheet by picking up any week in the dropdown box. The timesheet will be submitted and approved weekly.

Time Elapsed – this table will be filled in the timesheet information. The below table will is how the fields of the time elapsed operate.

DatetimeDateSelect a date in the selected week
ProjectSelect a project
ProjectHOF (for HO); TF1 (for TF1)For tasks don't belong to any project and allocate to the general cost
ProjectLeaveFor leave days
ProjectSpecificFor tasks belong to a project
SubprojectSelect a subproject (filtered by project)
SubprojectHOF (for HO); WSHD (for TF1)For tasks don't belong to any subproject and allocate to the general cost
SubprojectPublic HolidaysFor public holiday leave type
SubprojectLeave daysFor the other leave type
SubprojectSpecificFor tasks belonging to a subproject
LODRead-onlyAutomatically filled by Subproject meta
DisciplineRead-onlyAutomatically filled in as current user profile
TaskFiltered by Discipline and LOD
SubtaskFiltered by Task
HourNumberTime spent on task
RemarkTextAdd more detailed information

Approved by – the current user’s direct manager. It is set to default approver by the system approval tree.

However, the user can change it if it is inappropriate. Moreover, the user can add to “follow up by” to notify anyone involved. By default, the delegated member will be notified.

Note – in the process of doing a time elapsed table, the user should pay attention to the following:

The leave days and public holidays are linked to your LAs and the public holiday entitlement after you select the weeks which include those days. You only need to book the timesheet for the remaining days of the selected week.

If your task is allocated into the overhead, please view the TLC policy.

If there are several tasks a day, you can “Add a New Item” or “Duplicate” and select the same day with another task or project.

The Action buttons: you can duplicate/delete/move the line.

To add a new line, please click on the “Add a New Item” button below the Time Elapsed table or the “Duplicate” button on the Action column.

Quick summary – a total hour each day: help you have a quick check whether your working hour a day is enough or not.

Timesheet Officer is only used for booking the normal working hour, please do not input the overtime working hour.

You also can type the text on the fields to search your keywords quickly. For example, you can type “BTH” on the “Project” field that way is better and faster than you look for it in a long project list.

Let’s view the Timesheet Officer document in print view

You can view the document in print view by clicking on the QR code of the document on the View Table or the View button on the Action Bar of the Create New page.

View Report

This page shows you the optional report in the table depending on your demand.

There are three types of reports shown in the content table here: By Employee, By Team, By Project. They can be filtered by date range.

The filtered result is shown and filtered by your position.

You also can export the CSV file to handle other reports.

View Register

This page shows the members who book the timesheet by themselves. It helps the HR staff check whether these members have booked their timesheets or not.

Drop down the list and select a workplace.

The date range tool for filtering the duration.

The results are the color-coded ID. These colors stand for the document status. You can click on the ID to open the document.

Export CSV file for handling other reports.

TLC Policy

If your task is allocated into the overhead, please choose:

TF1/WSHD (Project/Subproject) for whose workplace is TF1.

HOF/HOF (Project/Subproject) for whose workplace is HO

TF2/TLCFACTORY2 (Project/Subproject) for whose workplace is TF2.

TF3/TF3 (Project/Subproject) for whose workplace is TF3.

The Timesheet is created weekly and ended on the 25th of every month. In case the 25th is between the week, you have to book the timesheet until the 25th of this week. Then book the remaining days of this week at another post.


Common Mistakes:

submit timesheet dailysubmit timesheet weekly
submit the project as (HOF/HOF) for overhead in TF1submit the project as (TF1/WSHD) for overhead in TF1.
submit overtime hoursubmit only normal working hour
submit not enough 42.5 or 48 hours per week, only 26 hours.for tasks that don't belong to a specific project, please book in (HOF/HOF) for HQ to make up to 42.5 hours or (TF1/WSHD) for 48 hours
submit leave days in the time elasped tableDon't submit the leave days because they are linked automatically
submit unsuccessfullysubmit successfully when your timesheet's status changed into the pending for approval
submit all days into one weeksubmit only the days of the selected week
submit the days in the futuresubmit the days you have worked
submit all the days of the selected week including the 25thsubmit the days until the 25th of the selected week. Then create a new document and book the timesheet for the other days of the week.
duplicate the week because the users have not found their last document.don't create a new timesheet when you don't see your expected one, please show all your timesheets by the way: View All --> Reset Filter --> All (Status Bar).
submit the leave days and book 0 hourdon't submit the leave days on this form. If you take off a whole week, please skip timesheet for the week.